Adventures for babies

Anna’s work for babies is inspired and informed by both her tiny audience members and by Early Years neuroscience. It’s responsive, it’s connective and it creates a space where these tiniest citizens can have agency and individuality as they move through these magical creative theatre adventures.

Anna is passionate about bringing high quality arts experiences to babies across the broadest possible social demographic and her use of portable performance spaces meant that the show as seen by parents who attended performances in Sure Start Centres across Belfast was exactly the same as performances at the New Victory, a dedicated children’s theatre on 42nd Street in New York.

Multi-sensory theatre engages ‘TiNY’ babies Cape Town Times

Babababa-eautiful: a theatrical experience for babies in Dublin Irish Times

The babies lay on their backs, blissing out. The adults seemed just as placid; it could have been an evening at Tanglewood. New Yorker

My baby was mesmerised by it and I loved watching him experience something so wonderful and exciting for him. Parent, I am Baba

Adventures for early years

Anna’s work for early years has been seen on 6 continents and has included dance theatre with Scotland’s inclusive dance company, Indepen-Dance, physical theatre and a poetry slam show for 3-6 year olds.

She has also created work for early years audiences with other companies including Oily Cart, Theatre Hullabaloo and Touched Theatre.

Not scared of big emotions, shows have travelled journeys around sibling rivalry, sadness and a tent that has a life of its own…

it was beautiful and funny and it was crazy and wild.Isabel, aged 3½ on BigKidLittleKid

Adventures for children/young people with complex needs

Anna’s work for children/young people with complex needs was the first of its kind in Ireland and she continues to create theatre adventures for this diverse audience that is immersive, sensory and above all responsive. With the same number of audience members as performers, each show is constantly nuanced in response to its audience, creating a situation where deep and joyful connection can be created with the audience.

A really amazing experience, my son is non-verbal and was imitating Anna’s movements, also mimicking the movements she made with her mouth as she sang. He was very relaxed after the session. Upon leaving the pool he said ‘swimming pool’ very clearly. Parent, Sing Me to the Sea