Anna Newell Theatre Adventures invite artists to apply for littletinySPACE, a two-part residential intensive artist incubator.  This is a paid opportunity.

littletinySPACE is supported through Anna’s Arts Council of Ireland’s Art Grant Funded 2022 programme of work.  littletinySPACE is modelled on the Performance Corporation’s SPACE programme and developed in collaboration with SPACE facilitators Jo Mangan and Hanna Slattne.

littletinySPACE aims to bring together a diverse interdisciplinary group of artists who are well established in their own field but who have little or no experience of making work for younger audiences  – but who are interested in exploring what adventures they might dream up for audiences of babies under 1 year old.  Artists could include (but are absolutely not limited to!) visual artists, sonic artists, theatremakers, choreographers, designers, circus artists, poets…  Priority will be given to Irish/Irish-based artists.

to find out more, download our LTS Artist Callout.